Use the Google map below to locate your nearest stockist of Overnight Oats
Please note, not all stores stock the Overnight Oats.
Buy in-store:
Check the map below
(full instructions on how to use the map are below the map.)
Buy online:
Woolies also sells our products through their online shopping portal. Shop for Overnight Oats online
Please note, that because not all stores stock the products, you may find that your local delivery area will not show the oats as available.
Instructions for how to use the map:
1. Find your approximate location on the map of Australia, then zoom in until you can see your town or city. If you are on a phone you can use your fingers to move the map or zoom. If you are on a computer you can use the “+” symbol or the wheel of your mouse. (Click on the map, and hold the mouse button down – when you see the ‘grabbing hand’ symbol you can move the map to more accurately find a location.)
2. Zoom in on your local area until you can distinguish the different images of the product packages which indicate the shops that stock the product.
3. Click on the image of the packet to get the exact location of the store.
At this stage, not all Woolworth’s locations stock our products, and we apologise if there isn’t a stockist near you. You can also find our products through organic retailers and online.